Orange Pilling Rabbit Hole

Dear Fellow Bitcoiner,

ith this power tool in your arsenal, you will…

  • Effortlessly orange-pill friends/familiy/newbies in less than 25 minutes
  • Win every Bitcoin argument before it starts (Jedi mind trick I’ll reveal below)…
  • Always know where to refer people (and stack free #sats 24/7 doing it)…

The Instant Cold-To-Sold Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™…

Volume on and full screen is recommended for this 1-minute intro video…

The Instant Cold-To-Sold Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™ (live demo below) not only saves you tons of time, effort, and grief…

It also gives you an effortless stream of incoming #sats for as long as you live…

Send lukewarm newbies trickling down this mind-blowing funnel, and it will…

Turn them into raving maxis drooling all over your affiliate link at the bottom…

You get 25% of the 0.99% purchasing fee per BTC purchase they make for 1 full year after they sign up via your Swan Bitcoin affiliate link.

Swan will educate them further, and help them with a self-custody and recurring buy plan.

I see the commission is a “bonus” though, as the main focus is to inch us ever closer to Hyperbitcoinization…

The big payday comes when the proverbial “100th monkey” gets orange-pilled…

That’s the point of no return, when the orange snowball finally starts rolling downhill…

Bitcoin mass adoption

Check The Live Demo For Yourself (And Scroll Further Down To Claim Your Copy Immediately…)

Check the Live Demo of The Instant Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™ (link opens in new tab)…

Drive Them Mad With Curiosity (And Win Every Bitcoin Argument Before
It Even Starts)…

You now always have a place to send Bitcoin-curios friends, family, and newbies…

To win every Bitcoin argument, simply tell them (like Satoshi):

“If you cannot spare 25 minutes to dig through this life-changing newbie-friendly article, I don’t have time to convince you…”

This puts YOU in the power-position every time, and here’s the kicker…

The more indifferent you are, the more you’ll drive them mad with curiosity…

They might not admit it at first, but they will tumble down that rabbit hole sooner rather than later…

Once they do, what they see cannot be unseen, and the FOMO will start building in them…

No more endless bickering, convincing, and headaches, a simple link solves the whole problem

Put This Bad Boy To Work Immediately (And Stack FREE #SATS Effortlessly
For Life)…

This one-of-a-kind “Bitcoin Sales Page” is written by a professional copywriter (see testimonial below):

It’s designed to maximize FOMO and the nagging sense of urgency, which forces them to take immediate action.

But there’s more…



Here is an overview of what you get

  • Instant plug & play orange-pilling Rabbit Hole™ (works with any website)…
  • A way to win all Bitcoin arguments (by simply referring them to the URL)…
  • Get paid 25 % of Swan’s purchasing fees (in sats) per referral for 1 full year…

The best way to use The Instant Cold-To-Sold Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™ is as follows:

Create a “New To Bitcoin – Start Here” link in a prominent position on your Bitcoin website…

The Rabbit Hole takes care of the rest, as the FOMO builds until they cave and convert at the bottom…

If you don’t have a website, and don’t want one, I have the perfect solution for you anyway (see further down)…

Here’s Why You’re Getting Such A Special Deal (For A Limited Time Only)…

A professional sales page like this will often sell for as much as $5,000 to $10,000…

However, I want every bitcoiner to be able to have this powerful orange-pilling machine in their arsenal…

We’re all bitcoiners working towards the same goal, after all…

For this reason, I am willing to give you a single site license for only $199 (paid in sats).

For a limited time only, until I have 3-5 good ones…

I’ll even pay you back $50 for your testimonial (conditions apply*)…

This means you get it all for a measly $149, at least for the time being…

*testimonial must be a live tweet stating product name (The Instant Cold-To-Sold Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™…), linking to this page, and conversion rate (preferably with a picture proof).

I’ll Even Throw In A Few Bonuses, Just To Make This A No-Brainer Offer…

Bonus 1: A $999 Sales Copywriting Crash Course For Free

You get access to a video where I walk through all the main sections of The Instant Cold-To-Sold Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™.

Once you understand the underlying sales concepts, you can safely tweak, update, and change things on the sales page as you see fit.

This is a 80/20 crash course in sales copy that converts, which is useful for anyone running a website.

You also get access to my full ‘world class copywriting system’ (works in any niche)…

I’ll even point you towards how to use this skill to make good money online…

Bonus 2: Life-time Updates

Any significant update will be announced on Bitcoin Maxi News Twitter.

Follow me, and you can download the latest version of the The Instant Cold-To-Sold Orange-Pilling Rabbit Hole™ as it is announced.

Bonus 3: I’ll host the Rabbit Hole™ for you (early-birds only!)

That’s right. I will simply copy my own version, and put in the affiliate link you give me.

Then you get a unique URL to refer people to, right here on this website.

I can only manage so mange people’s sales pages, so this bonus may disappear at any time…